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#alittlepatchofgreen Reclaiming

Residential Streets & Housing Areas

Last year we introduced the hashtag #alittlepatchofgreen. Since then it's taken on a life of its own and become part of a number of projects across a whole range of categories. In this section we have encouraged residents to reclaim a little patch of green in their neighbourhoods.

#alittlepatchofgreen Reclaiming
Some goals achieved from our 5 Year Plan
Encourage residential areas to be responsible for keeping their own estates/street/road litter free
Clean housing estate name signs and refresh text if necessary
Encourage residents along main roads to paint boundary walls

As they are often shared spaces, a certain amount of managed planting takes place to provide interest for those who like a more structured space. Designated spaces are then allowed to rewild. We hope this idea will spread over the next number of years so that it becomes the norm to have a wild area within managed areas. Over the long term this should change attitudes. 

One of the areas on King Street is being managed by Scouts from the Clonmel Scout Group. They have planted lavender and daisies as well as spreading wildflower seeds. Part of the area is also allowed to grow to see what it might contain. The edges are mowed to provide that neat edge.

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